
Spread the love

The Historic Fairview Park Association is an established 501(c)3 and is dedicated to the preservation of the park and outreach to surrounding communities, organizations, churches and residents.

Our goals are only reached with the generous donations of numerous groups and individuals. Your tax deductible donations gives Historic Fairview Park the opportunity to have a positive impact in our communities and preserve the legacy of the park.

Some of the projects and outreach your contributions help make possible:

Annual Old Fashioned Community Picnic

Legacy Scholarship

Fairview Park Preservation & Restoration Fund

Historic Fairview Park welcomes and deeply appreciates the donations and contributions of Founding Church sponsors, local and national organizations, businesses and individuals. Contributors have the choice of making a one time or recurring monthly gift.

Contribution to the park may be made in the form of a check, cash, or by credit card. Historic Fairview Park will accept donations of equipment, building and maintenance supplies, and services. Historic Fairview Park is a nonprofit organization according to the laws of the state of Pennsylvania. It is recognized by the US Treasury, Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Checks should be made payable to:  Historic Fairview Park Association.